Career with Avita

Avita success is a reflection of the talent of its people working in different spheres like Marketing, Research & Development, Manufacturing, Human Resource Development etc. & the potential of its Entrepreneur & Managers. The value, ethics, interpersonal chemistry & congenial work environment makes the organization a cohesive, articulate & goal-directed unit.

Avita is an equal opportunity employer and provides employment to people from diverse backgrounds. All individuals who believe that they can contribute to the organisation’s goals are welcome to apply for a job with us.

Kindly mail your detailed and updated resume with current and expected salary :-

First Name (Without space) *
Resume/CV(In doc format Without space) *
Photographs(Without space)
Extra Sheets(Without space)


1. Our database won't consider your details if u leave space in any cell,
2. Rename your Resume as resume_yourname,
3. Rename photograph as pp_yourname